Merry Christmas dear readers and thank you

There is an air of anticipation in our yurt this morning, Christmas Eve! 

Presents have been bought or made and waiting patiently to be wrapped, the fridge is full of good food and there are some simple deserts of trifle and gingerbread people to whip up this morning. 

As the holiday season is upon us I hope you have a blessed Christmas, surrounded by those you love. If you are in an area in the US that's on the receiving end of the dreadful cold snap, I'm holding you in my prayers. 

If Christmas is hard for you this year, whether it is due to uncertain financial circumstances, family tensions, illness or grief please know my heart is with you and you are in our families' prayers. If you want to reach out via email, you can do so in my sidebar.  

Thank you dear readers for following me to my new blog Barradale Farm from A Simple Living Journey, it means the world to me as I continue to navigate living simply, raising our children and setting up our farm. I foresee lots of things to share in 2023 as we start on some really exciting projects like building the deck, extending the garden, getting milking goats as well as continuing our desire to live a simpler, greener life. I'm looking forward to continuing on my recent sewing spate which I will share with you in the new year, as well as getting back to more regular soap making and lots of nourishing food cooked from scratch.

We pray blessings over you and yours and much love to you all. 

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